
Investing in AI

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) are the future. I enjoy putting it to use and talking about it for hours. But I realized I also need to put my money where my mouth is.

This is especially true for some of the largest tech companies. Nvidia is leading the way in making the hardware that is in demand, and has had an epic rise in the last year. Microsoft is benefiting from a large investment in OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT. There’s also Meta, Google, Amazon, Apple, & Tesla. Collectively they are known as the Magnificent Seven, and have contributed to the large portion of the gains in the top S&P 500 companies this past year.

So, I recently purchased one stock of each inside my tax-advantaged retirement account. And keep in mind that this is only a small portion of my investments, which I consider as fun money… I’ll continue to keep a large portion in low-cost stock index funds like VTSAX, & leverage tax advantaged retirement & similar accounts where I can.

If you have been slacking on making investment moves, you can learn more on my “Start Here” welcome page. And if you have questions then just reach out, as I love geeking out to that sort of thing.

How have your investments been performing lately, and what are you looking at investing into next? Let us know on Twitter @NextLevFi


Bitcoin Crypto Challenge

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You may have noticed everyone has been talking about not only picking stocks, but also Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

There is the Wall Street Bets reddit, GameStop, and Snoop Dogg even made a recent DOGE video.

And many of us are scared to take action. But all it takes is small action each day.

You can start with freebies by just signing up and trying them. And as you learn more you can look into other options to expand into.

Sign up today for our FREE 5-Day Bitcoin Crypto Investing Challenge

Ride the future of investing today



Stock Market Investing Challenge Newsletter

I finally started a newsletter!

You can find the link to subscribe at the bottom of this site, or directly at & share this with others to keep in touch.

I’ll start it off with a 5-week challenge on stock marketing investing for those just getting started all the way to those that have been crushing it for years.

You can also expect other topics such as those from my letter below:

As time continues to fly & our daughters continue to grow, I’ve learned a lot along the way.

I wanted to share my knowledge with others that I care about, and really anyone that is interested. I started sharing on websites focusing on core areas:

  • Tech/Career
  • Money/Finance
  • Goals/Books/Learning
  • Fun/Games/Gaming
  • Fitness/Recipes

Although I don’t post as often as I’d like, you can expect 1-2 times a month for now. Since everyone has their preferred way to communicate it can be difficult to stay in touch.

To make it easier I’m putting together one newsletter to share what’s new in these areas. You can find it on the bottom of, or directly at

To start it off I’ll share what I’ve been up to lately…

Money/Finance NextLevelFI

  • Investing – The girls started investing! We’re using low-fee index funds like VTSAX/VTI for stocks, consolidating our retirement accounts, & continuing to fund our Roth IRA accounts
  • Income – I’m working on adding extra income through rewards cards, affiliate programs, & small side hustles to keep our investments growing
  • Coaching – I joined a financial coaching network and am starting to help clients for those that are interested

Goals/Books/Learning DestroyObstacles

  • Homeschool – We started homeschooling the girls! I was hesitant at first, but we found a lot of great resources for them to learn at their own pace, such as
  • Library – We are proud library card holders, which I used to read over 50 books last year with our Kindle & Echo devices. I shared my favorite books from last year & already have new favorites
  • Events – I’m attending free/online events like the Tony Robbins FREE 5-day event to make2021myyear

Tech/Career DigitalBeyond

  • Certifications – I used resources from the library to help pass my PMP test! It was a challenging & rewarding experiment in Ultralearning (great book)
  • Courses – our library cards also give us access to free online training, so we’ve learned coding, animation, & I even tried out some mixology. I continually look for free courses / opportunities to build my skill set, & work I can do from home or anywhere
  • Community – I’m in a few mastermind & mentoring groups that are local to South Florida. We have not been meeting locally due to COVID, but continue to have regular virtual meetings for those who are interested

Fitness/Recipes NinjaForLife

  • Recipes – I finally posted a recipe! With COVID going around I haven’t been training much for races or obstacle courses / Ninja Warrior, but after some experimentation in the kitchen I finally shared a recipe for a healthy sweet lemonade limeade. I’ll plan to share more this year to stay in shape

Fun/Games GamerWarrior

  • Games – Most importantly I’m learning to enjoy our extra time together as a family! We’ve kept up on playing board games & setting up video game competitions
  • Hobbies – I did try a few new beers this year, but made up for it by learning to play over 50 songs on our piano

So feel free to sign up at the bottom of, or directly at & share this with others to keep in touch.

Also if you are looking for anything in particular feel free to reach out.

Live Long & Prosper,


investing money basics tracking ways to save

Work for happiness not Money

What would you do if money were no object?

Work for happiness not money